Entry Way Evolution

As a mother we try to teach our kids the important things like compassion, the Golden Rule, look both ways before crossing the street, don't start forest fires, etc. and you get ahead of yourself and start thinking you're pretty good at this. You may not be mother of the year but hey your kids are mostly clean and polite (at least in public).
Then you walk into their bathroom and notice they are squeezing the toothpaste from the middle and you wonder how you totally failed as a mother.
Quick update on the entry way. I have been looking for a better way to display the glass buoy and woven-like spheres that were just rolling about loose on the top.

I came across some polished river rock and other stones when I was forced to reorganize a cabinet to make the crockpot fit again. How it could come out of that same cabinet and not fit back in is an ongoing mystery. Why was a bag of rock in that cabinet? No idea.

I found a large bowl in the same cabinet and created a bed of smaller rocks for the larger spheres to rest on. It's feeling much more pulled together. Still need to find the perfect bowl but I'm on the right track.

I think there may also be a cabinet face lift in the near future.
Here's a few photos of how the space has evolved.

In the beginning...

A little bit of furniture...and stuff...
A new light...

 Feeling a bit more together now.

