Painting always calms me, makes me happy and feels right. I love having a brush in hand, mixing colors and bringing ideas to life.
And words have always appealed to me. I am an avid reader and especially love quotations. Forever. When I was in high-school, I had this old dictionary that had extra sections in the back and one of them was quotations. I would go through them constantly and pick out my favorites to share with friends.
I own several quotation books now and still look through them regularly although the internet is a wonderful thing and so quick!
I decided to combine my love of paint and letters and created visual form. The painted letters each have a word painted on them and sometimes a phrase.
I have posted them on my Etsy page too. The Happiness one is my personal favorite but the kids like the Laugh one best. What do you think? Are there any other motivational words, phrases (I like funny ones too) that I should make?
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