I currently have a list of to-do tasks. I asked Anique to pick a number randomly. The number corresponded to a task on the list. And yep, it was the entry way.
I repainted the entryway years ago but it's been still been pretty much plain and unadorned. And cluttered. Desperately needing some shoe organization. I decided it needed a few homey touches and more. The caveat being it had to be on practically on no budget. Pictures were first up. I had several frames that had been sitting on a closet shelf. They weren't quite the look I was going for. So using some white latex paint I had on hand, I gave gave them a white-wash look.
I chose my pictures. I did spend the money to have them printed--less expensive than new printer ink. I sketched out a few arrangements and hung them up. Yay! Step one down.
It's hard to show the walls since the angle of the stairs don't allow much room to step back and take the photos. It does look homier though.
The chair was next up. But that's another post.
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