As you might recall, I finished reading the Fire Starter Sessions a month or two ago and every so often the author, Danielle LaPorte, posts a question on her blog to get her readers thinking. The most recent questions is "What do you suck at?".
Yes, it sounds negative, but the goal (as I see it) is to basically confess your shortcomings, stop the anxiety and dwelling, and focus on your strengths instead. So I can't do_____________ and that's okay, but I rock at ____________.
With that being said, here goes:
Follow Through: I create plans, organize ways of doing things, and begin new ideas but I rarely follow them through to completion. I don't stay focused on the goal and reap the rewards or see the amazing end product (or at least I think it would be amazing...). I can be easily side-tracked by life and the other "chores" that need to be completed first.
Living Confidently: I have no problem being myself but I hate attention. I don't want to be noticed. This holds me back from trying new things and being goofy with my family in public (who are very goofy sometimes). I sometimes miss the fun because I'm too worried about just blending into the background.
Being positive: I'm a planner. I like to be prepared for anything and that means being prepared for the worst. I don't like to be surprised and can be caught in a negative cycle. I've been working on that this year though. Trying to blog and focus on the good things in life. :-)
Confrontation: Oh my, this is a huge one. I really, really hate confrontation and conflict. Yes, conflict can be health and freeing but boy do I not enjoy going through the process. It takes a very deep breath, a mini-self lecture every time.
Paying bills on time: This is a bad one and a huge confession (and those late fees suck). Sometimes it's not because there's not money but just because I got caught up in other things and didn't prioritize it. It's not my favorite thing to do so I procrastinate.
Getting anywhere on time: I mentioned I get easily side-tracked right? And the procrastination? Need I say more?
With all that said, I do have areas of strength and having confessed my "sins" can admit that none of them are life-threatening and can focus on tackling the ones that can't be avoided and delegating those that can be. :-)
Yes, it sounds negative, but the goal (as I see it) is to basically confess your shortcomings, stop the anxiety and dwelling, and focus on your strengths instead. So I can't do_____________ and that's okay, but I rock at ____________.
With that being said, here goes:
Follow Through: I create plans, organize ways of doing things, and begin new ideas but I rarely follow them through to completion. I don't stay focused on the goal and reap the rewards or see the amazing end product (or at least I think it would be amazing...). I can be easily side-tracked by life and the other "chores" that need to be completed first.
Living Confidently: I have no problem being myself but I hate attention. I don't want to be noticed. This holds me back from trying new things and being goofy with my family in public (who are very goofy sometimes). I sometimes miss the fun because I'm too worried about just blending into the background.
Being positive: I'm a planner. I like to be prepared for anything and that means being prepared for the worst. I don't like to be surprised and can be caught in a negative cycle. I've been working on that this year though. Trying to blog and focus on the good things in life. :-)
Confrontation: Oh my, this is a huge one. I really, really hate confrontation and conflict. Yes, conflict can be health and freeing but boy do I not enjoy going through the process. It takes a very deep breath, a mini-self lecture every time.
Paying bills on time: This is a bad one and a huge confession (and those late fees suck). Sometimes it's not because there's not money but just because I got caught up in other things and didn't prioritize it. It's not my favorite thing to do so I procrastinate.
Getting anywhere on time: I mentioned I get easily side-tracked right? And the procrastination? Need I say more?
With all that said, I do have areas of strength and having confessed my "sins" can admit that none of them are life-threatening and can focus on tackling the ones that can't be avoided and delegating those that can be. :-)
Oh my ... I think you are me. Too funny - I can honestly relate to ALL of these. I often use the excuse that I am Type A to defend my planning. And confrontation ... it's the tidal wave in my chest. As for the planning - there is a quote I love by Winston Churchill where he states that planning is essential but the plan itself, useless. I like that one. As for living confidently - have you made a bucket list - maybe ada a few challenges that will have you living out of your comfort zone for a prolonged time. Best wishes and thanks for blogging. I found you through Danielle's site. I blogged it too at